The membership year is April 1 to March 31. New memberships are valid until March 31, 2026.
CORS Members are individuals interested in operational research who work in the private or public sector in the areas of finance, transportation, military, health care, telecommunications, the government, consulting, and academia. The CORS membership also includes a significant student population working towards their undergraduate or post graduate degrees in various business, computer science, engineering, management, and mathematics programs across the country.
It is worth noting that you may be able to use your NSERC grants to pay CORS membership dues for yourself and your graduate students. Here is an excerpt from the relevant NSERC's policy on eligible services and miscellaneous expenses: "Costs of membership in professional associations or scientific societies if necessary for the research program/project." The full details of the policy, including other eligible expenses, can be found here.
Members of CORS receive the following benefits:
- Subscriptions to:
- The journal INFOR, which is published quarterly and contains peer-reviewed papers highlighting recent advances in Operational Research. INFOR contains many papers that combine theory and methodology with OR practice.
- The CORS-SCRO Bulletin, which is also published quarterly to keep members informed of the Society's activities, of upcoming conferences and other news. The Bulletin also contains special articles highlighting OR activities across the country.
- Exclusive access to an on-line searchable Membership Directory.
- Opportunities to network with your professional peers at OR events and activities taking place across the country and in local sections.
- Mailing List notices of job postings.
- The CORS Diploma for students graduating in a related field, with a basic knowledge of OR methods.
- Funding support for students to attend the CORS Annual Conference.
- Membership in a local section. Local sections typically run at least one event each year. Examples of local section events include special seminars and student paper competitions.
- Membership in a CORS Special Interest Group (SIG). SIGs provide and promote an opportunity for CORS members with common interests to interact and network.
- Reduced registration fees for the CORS Annual Conference.
- Individuals who become actively involved in local section and national events find the experience to be both professionally and personally rewarding.