CORS Student Chapter Recognition
Every year, CORS recognizes the contributions of active CORS student chapters in serving the Society through certificates at bronze, silver, or gold levels. These certificates recognize the efforts of the members of the student chapters in promoting operations research in the student membership by organizing events related to the scope of CORS, both at the local and national levels. Awardees will be acknowledged during the annual CORS Conference, and certificates will be awarded to successful chapters.
Any official student chapter of CORS can apply to receive recognition at the appropriate level.
The application must be submitted by the President of the local student chapter.
Application deadline: March 31
Application Process
Student chapters submit an application package to the Chair of the Awards Committee of the CORS council:
Entry Requirements
The application package must include:
The names and roles of the executive committee of the student chapter
The names of all student members of the chapters during the application year
A copy of any up-to-date chapter documentation (e.g., bylaws)
A brief report (maximum two pages) outlining the activities held by the student chapter during the
application year. Only Chapter activities during the current fiscal year (April 1 to March 31) will be considered.
A letter of support from the faculty advisor of the student chapter.
Selection Criteria:
The CORS Student Chapter Recognition is non-competitive, and three levels of certificates will be issued to qualifying chapters based on the following criteria:
Bronze level: for demonstration of an active and growing student chapter
Silver level: for continuing contribution to the local chapter through multiple local events per year
Gold level: for exemplary contribution to the local chapter and broader CORS society
CORS Student Member Leadership Award
Every year, CORS recognizes the outstanding service contributions of individual CORS student members to their local student chapter and the Society. This award is a showcase of exemplary dedication to promoting the field of operations research and the CORS society. Awardees will be acknowledged during the Annual CORS Conference.
Any student member of CORS can be nominated for this award (undergraduate or graduate
students or post-doctoral fellows).
Self-nominations are welcome.
Previous winners are not eligible.
Nomination deadline: March 31
Nomination Process
Nominations should include the candidate's name, activities, positions, and duration of service. The Awards Committee will evaluate the submissions and bring forward potential recipients to the Council for approval. Nominations outlining the contributions of the student member are sent to the Chair of the Awards Committee of the CORS council:
Selection Criteria
Nominees are evaluated based on their contributions to the CORS society and/or local student chapters. Most significant service includes contributions made during their term as a student CORS councillor and/or serving on the executive committee of an active student chapter.
The winner receives $200 and a certificate at the Annual CORS Conference.
The Awards Committee reserves the right not to name any winners.