Fields marked by * are required. NOTE: The Membership Year is April 1 to March 31.
*Membership ID:
Appear in Online Member Directory? Yes No
Preference for receiving the CORS Bulletin: Through an email link from CORS Paper copy by mail ($30 annually)
*Annual Membership Fee: Regular ($140.00) Retired ($55.00) Student (includes post-doctoral) ($55.00)
Apply for CORS Diploma? No Yes
Special Interest Group
Queueing and Applied Probability SIG ($0.00) Yes No
Health Care Operational Research SIG ($0.00) Yes No
Forestry SIG ($0.00) Yes No
Analytics SIG ($0.00) Yes No
Teaching and Learning SIG ($0.00) Yes No
Transportation and Logistics SIG ($0.00) Yes No
Energy, Environment, and Sustainability SIG ($0.00) Yes No
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