Student Paper Competition
Application Process
Student Paper Competition Winners
Each year CORS conducts a student paper competition to recognize the contribution of a paper either directly to the field of operational research through the development of methodology or to another field through the application of operational research. The competition serves to showcase the high quality of OR education in Canada as well as the excellence of the new generation of operational researchers. Prizes are awarded in two categories: Undergraduate and Open.
The applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student in a Canadian institution, in an undergraduate, masters, or PhD program during the school year 2024–2025. Canadians who are studying outside of Canada are also eligible. Papers for which all applicants are undergraduates may be submitted to either category: Open or Undergraduate, but not to both. Papers for which some authors are graduate students must be submitted to the Open category. MBA students (and other specialized master students) must submit to the Open category with their applied projects. Published papers are eligible for the competition only if their initial submission date (for publication) is after the previous year's CORS Annual Conference.
Supervisors and industry partners may appear as coauthors on the paper, but the first authors must be the applicants. The applicants must have made substantial contribution to the project and have written the paper with only minor editorial assistance. If the paper includes such non-student authors, the supervisor should include information about the roles of the various authors when confirming the eligibility of the students.
Application Process
Application Deadline: 24 March 2025
Open Category Chair
Undergraduate Category Chair
All competitors should apply for CORS student funding by the deadline in case they become a finalist.
Entry Requirements
1. Abstract of 200 words or less. Author's name, address, and email address. Make sure the abstract clearly highlights the motivation, contribution, and potential impact of the paper.
2. Academic institution and supervisor's name, if applicable.
3. Note that papers selected as finalists must be presented at the conference to further be considered for first prize or honourable mention.
4. A PDF copy of the paper:
- No longer than 35 pages (with minimum 1-inch margins, maximum 34 lines per page, and minimum font size of Times 11) including all figures, tables, appendices, and references.
- The submitted paper must not contain any information identifying the authors or their institutions.
5. An email from the supervisor attesting that the participant is indeed the first author of the article submitted to the competition must be sent to the competition chair. Supervisors must agree to be part of the competition's arbitration committee, which requires the evaluation of three competition documents in April. If this is not possible, the supervisor should designate an appropriate alternate member of the committee.
6.The same paper can be submitted to multiple CORS paper competitions in the same year. However, it cannot be selected as finalist to multiple CORS paper competitions in the same academic year (SIGs, Undergraduate Category, or Open Category). If a paper is selected as finalist by multiple competition committees, the student has to decide in which competition the paper remains as finalist.
7.Once a paper has been awarded as Winner or Honourable Mention in any CORS paper competition (SIGs, Undergraduate Category, or Open Category), the same paper cannot be submitted again to a CORS paper competition.
Selection Criteria
Student Paper Competition Winners
Open Category
Laura Kolcheva (Polytechnique Montréal)
Benjamin Ravenscroft (University of Waterloo)
Undergraduate Category
Claudia De Fazio, Anika Gapczynski, Chloe Pilon, Kayley Brash, Michaela Trevisan (U of Waterloo)
Open Category
Setareh Farajollahzadeh (University of Toronto)
Federico Bobbio (University of Montreal)
Bo Lin (University of Toronto)
Undergraduate Category
Scholar Sun (University of Waterloo)
Jenya Sourgaeva, Angelika Nowlan, Sanjay Alwani, Weiyi Liu (Simon Fraser University)
Open Category
Ian Yihang Zhu
Saman Lagzi
Undergraduate Category
Ethan Baron
Kevin He, Lacey Liang, Sherlyn Ng, Viet Trinh, Ashutosh Dubal
Open Category
Nasrin Yousefi
Aliaa Alnaggar
Undergraduate Category
Theodore Morissette, Eric Entz, Andrew Veldhuis, Razi Sayed
Imad Mechmachi, Philippe Lavoie, Reda Kzaz, Jean-Yves Potvin
Open Category
Margarita Castro
Undergraduate Category
Sarah McCurdy, Meghan Stronach, Allison Jacobs, Alyssa Hopkins
Lucy Fountain
Open Category
Christian Bingane, Miguel Anjos, Sébastien Le Digabel
Gabriel Jarry-Bolduc, Warren Hare
Undergraduate Category
Milan Kaur, Mandeep Hanspal, Jui Champaneri, Sathana Srikanthan
Open Category
Taghi Khaniyev
Gohram Baloch
Rafid Mahmood
Undergraduate Category
Negin Bolkhanian, Matthew Reyers
Craig Fernandes
Open Category
Seyed Doulabi
Gizem Nemutlu
Undergraduate Category
Alexandra Hayes, Christian Gould, Kevin Chu, Srikajan Santhirakumaran
Open Category
Yun Zhou
Amir Ardestani-Jaafari
Ahmed Saif
Undergraduate Category
Taha Mirza, Rupan Dandiwal, Shayan Altaf, Brady Lee
Oshane Jackson, Ismael Martinez
Brianna Horton, Constance Gervais, Danielle Shawcross, Juliana Gonzalez
Open Category
Amir Rastpour
Vahid Roshanaei
Undergraduate Category
Zahra Bodla, Ahad Ismail, Ra'd Daoud, AbdulRehman Shaheen
Jordan Moreau, Ian Gresel, Andrew Scott, Mohamed-Akeel R. Hasham
Open Category
Auyon A. Siddiq
Vahid Sarhangian
Undergraduate Category
Kishley Bhalla, Craig Mathews, W Brett Robinson, Katie Sclater
Nicole Mo, Alborz Namazi, Joyce Tai, Eric Yuen
Open Category
Taewoo Lee
Jue Wang
Undergraduate Category
Benny Wai, Alex Liu, Lawrence Huen
Bo Chen, Luheng Wang, Wenjiao Chen, Xiao Luo
Open Category
Michael Jong Kim
Velibor Misic
Undergraduate Category
Issac He, Mark Strange, Hans Aisake
Sam Maggs, Michelle Leung, Svyatoslav Glazyrin
Open Category
Jonathan Y. Li
Mahmood Ebadian
Undergraduate Category
Shuang E, Derek Hewitt, Jenny Morrow, Scott Van Bolhuis
Open Category
Ramon Alanis
Bissan Ghaddar
Yang Li
Undergraduate Category
Erin Hrycyschyn, Felicia Ng, Brent Ouwerkerk, Jimmie Tom, Sean Tomilin
Open Category
Sachin Jayaswa
Mahmood Ebadian
Mehmet A. Begen
Undergraduate Category
Chen Chen
Maxine Cunningham, John Schmidt, Jonathon Braamms
Mike Clay, Yvan Fortier, Chris Samuel
Open Category
Chirag Surti
Sachin Jayaswal
Joe Naoum-Sawaya
Undergraduate Category
Angela Kercher, Arthur Lee, Shawn Halvorson
Sterling Todd Keys, Sean Lelacheur, Greg Ninowsky
Open Category
Fredik Odegaard
Anne Mercier
Navneet Vidyarthi
Undergraduate Category
Allison Bouthillier, Amanda Meleshko, Peter Wares
Kieran Ryan, Stewart Wilson
Open Category
Timothy C Y Chan
Catherine Gingras
Yong Yue Li
Undergraduate Category
David Mann, Anh Nguyen, Sean O’Donnell
Megan Inglis, Jen Tyrkalo, Jillene Wiebe, Mark Zschocke
Open Category
Jonathan Patrick
Pooja Pandey
Manish Verma
Undergraduate Category
Chelsea Baron, Jennifer Der, Lukas Deeg, Mark Zschocke
John LaRusic
Open Category
Oleksandr Romanko
Zhihui Xue
Rémy Monfet
Undergraduate Category
Alden Christianson, Wilson Mok, Gabriel Wong, Kelly O’Byrne
Daniel Bowker, Jared Poplawski, Scott Knibbs
Open Category
Matt Thompson
Fatma Gzara
Ernest Hongtu Wu
Xuan Zhao
Undergraduate Category
Ayako Watanabe
Adam Crowe, Andrea Denney, David Fath, Elaine Siu, Linda Tarshahani
Open Category
W.T. Huh, R.O. Roundy
M. Albareda-Sambola, J.A. Diaz, E. Fernandez
S. Lapierre, A.B. Ruiz, P. Soriano
P. St-Louis, J.A. Ferland, B. Gendron
Undergraduate Category
J.A. Myers
A. Benjamin, M. Noel, R. D'Ilio
K. Chong, M. Grewal, J. Loo
K. Bessette, J. Litchfield, J. Johnson, M. Riskin
Open Category
Samir Elhedhli
Nathalie Perrier
Kyle Biswanger
Undergraduate Category
Gregory Paradis
Open Category
Brian Denton
Aaron Luntala Nsakanda
Ernest Urbanovich
Undergraduate Category
Joey Cherdarchuk, Shahnoor Lalani, Kimberley Mik, Thaddeus Sim
Pascal Forget
Open Category
Jason H. Goto
Jinliang Cheng, George Steiner, Paul Stephenson
Undergraduate Category
Chris Goodwin, Joanne Kok, Steve Kabanuk
Laura Morrison, Les Stelmach, Mark Gannon
Open Category
Moren Lévesque, Kenneth R. MacCrimmon
John T. Blake, Michael W. Carter
Undergraduate Category
Jay Baraniecki, Chris Neuman, Laura Morrison
Steve Chamberland
Bob Dawson
Hélène Dufourd
David Sparling
Keith Willoughby
Mike MacDonald, Bernie Lee